This list includes Personal Projects, School Projects, and Projects for my company (Winn Software Solutions).
This application was one that I developed for Robert Bosch Anderson. It was a full-scale system wide Maintenance tracker that was capable of performing specialized maintenance with a "toolkit" I developed. This "toolkit" contained buttons that would automatically perform these maintenances. This application was also capable of entering a station into something called "Maintenance Mode", that meant further intervention was necessary. This would then be reported to our Microsoft SQL Server, and from here would be pulled using PowerBI and published a dashboard accesssable through an internal webpage. This allowed all technicians and engineers to be able to view this maintenance tracker and pull reports from it via their company issued laptops, anywhere on the campus.
This Web Application was developed in one of my classes utilizing .NET MVC, CSS, HTML, MySQL, Tailwind, and various API integrations. WhichComputer was a consumer-oriented app that aimed to ease the process of computer shopping. WhichComputer provided the user with a questionnaire that would walk the user through different use-cases for their day-today computer habits. Upon completion, this app would suggest a handful of computers for the user to select from. It would pull the live prices and specs of these laptops from their respective websites using API integration, and then would provide the user with links to these E-Commerce sites to then purchase the computer from.
This Web Application was developed in one of my classes utilizing .NET MVC, CSS, HTML, MySQL, Bootstrap, and iTunes API integration. This app was developed to help incentivize truck drivers to drive safely through the use of rewards. Sponsors were available for drivers to apply to, and then once accepted would give the drivers access to a catalog of rewards that they could spend points on. This app had many features including: an intuitive Admin interface, Sponsor interface, password reset through email functionality, basic database connections to store user data, among many others.
This API is an SaaS project that I am currently developing to assist contracting companies by fully automating their price quotes. It is currently only available for fencing companies as a proof of concept, but I plan on expanding this service to concrete, landscaping,etc.
You can see this API in action here:
Click Here